The Foodie Patootie Got a Facelift!
Well, well, well, what do we have here. I haven’t blogged for two weeks, but I have good reason. I didn’t want another post to go out until I had a lovely NEW BLOG DESIGN to accompany it. So here I am,...
View ArticleBerry Picking, Pancake Eating, and Family Time in Nashville, Georgia
Over Memorial Day weekend, my family and I went to Nashville, Georgia. The number one question I got when I would talk to people about my trip was, “You mean Nashville, Tennessee, right?” and they...
View Article‘Cause Del Frisco’s Grille Has a Killer Burger and Shake
Nobody knows the food holidays better than I do. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Having cooked through them for an entire year, I can recite where the majority of them are on the calendar. While I don’t...
View ArticleBloggers Get Social: The Accountability and Action Group for YOU
Are you guys ready for this? Because I’m about to share a bunch of pictures of my friend Krystal and I that has nothing to do with the content of this post. Are you a new blogger in need of a...
View ArticleTuesday Lately
Well hello there and happy Tuesday! It’s funny, Tuesday is becoming my new favorite day. I know, it sounds crazy considering I work a normal Monday-Friday 8-5 job. Like, why would anyone love a...
View ArticleTuesday Lately 8.29.15
Oh summer… There’s officially only 23 days left until the first day of fall, which makes me both happy and sad at the same time. I don’t love the scorching heat of Florida summers, but the fruits that...
View ArticleTuesday Lately 9.8.15
Well, well, well, if it isn’t you. Welcome to another Tuesday Lately! This is only the third (maybe second?) Tuesday Lately, but I really enjoy doing them because it’s something different and just...
View ArticleThese are a Few of my Favorite Things
Honestly, it could just be me, but I cannot stop myself from clicking on those gift guides and seeing what someone else thinks I should buy my loved ones. But then my frugality kicks in and I shake my...
View ArticleExperience the New School of Italian in the Menu Update at Carrabba’s
For this blog post, I received a complimentary meal from Carrabba’s Italian Grill, but all my opinions are my own. Carrabba’s is one of those restaurants that, no matter where I live (we recently...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: 28 Weeks
Feet. Hands. New baby smell. Reflex smiles. The blinking and adjusting to light outside the womb. These are the things I think about as my last 9 weeks of pregnancy is about to begin. The due date...
View ArticleUlele: A Fresh From Florida Staple in Tampa
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Fresh From Florida. All opinions are 100% mine. There’s been a revitalization of sorts here in Tampa. I was born and raised here so I can say that...
View ArticleGet Woodfired at Fabrica Pizza
I received a meal voucher to try out Fabrica Pizza, but the experience and opinions expressed here are 100% my own. I always get excited about new places in Tampa. I found that although Tampa has grown...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: Baby Shower
It’s the little things. It’s also the big things. It’s all the things. Life is made of these “things” that we all appreciate like time, attention, care. A couple of weekends ago was our baby shower...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: Food Cravings
There’s one thing they’ll tell you about being pregnant: food cravings. It’s probably the topic moms talk to me about most often. Forget the needle sticks, the sleepless nights, the backaches. Moms...
View ArticleSharing is Caring with New Small Plates at Carrabba’s
For this blog post, I received a complimentary meal from Carrabba’s Italian Grill, but all my opinions are my own. Unlike some stuff in life, Carrabba’s is easy. They are convenient and perfect for...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: Nursery Must-Haves
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NurseryMusts #CollectiveBias You guys, I’m in week 34 (35 on Saturday). Where has the time...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: 37 Weeks
From my shower: 31 weeks along I’m officially 37 weeks along today. If that’s not crazy, I don’t know what is. At this point, the questions I get asked the most are: Are you so ready to be done? Yes,...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: 38 Weeks
Celebrating my best friend’s son’s 3rd birthday! It’s the final countdown! (And now you have that song stuck in your head.) (If you didn’t, I’m sure you do now, right? Heh heh.) Just two more weeks...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: 39 Weeks
Let’s talk about the worst parts of pregnancy, ok? Indulge me a little bit. At 20 weeks For those who haven’t been through a pregnancy yet, maybe knowing all of this will prepare you a little better...
View ArticlePregnancy Update: 40 Weeks
Well, this is fun…not. Today is my due date, and I suppose there’s still the possibility I could be one of the 5% of ladies who deliver on their due date, but my feeling is no, no I will not. My last...
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