Nobody knows the food holidays better than I do. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Having cooked through them for an entire year, I can recite where the majority of them are on the calendar. While I don’t think I will ever (emphasis on never ever) create recipes for each one again, I am more than happy to continue celebrating.
And I am thrilled when I see a local restaurant celebrating, too!
Del Frisco’s Grille decided to celebrate perhaps the best month of them all: July for National Ice Cream Month. And what better way to celebrate than to offer a boozy milkshake that’s a blend of vanilla, chocolate, and walnut. Paired with a burger. Alongside fries and the most perfect individual squeeze bottle of ketchup ever. With a starter of Cheesesteak Eggrolls because fried stuffs.
I tried out this winning combo on a recently trip to the restaurant and pretty much downed that shake in record time. You can do the same, will you be my milkshake consuming rival? Well, WILL YOU??