Honestly, it could just be me, but I cannot stop myself from clicking on those gift guides and seeing what someone else thinks I should buy my loved ones. But then my frugality kicks in and I shake my head at the $60 cutting board in my cart.
I’m not too sure that this is an official The Foodie Patootie gift guide so much as it’s a “look at what I’d actually buy for people because these are pretty cool and your peoples may think so too”. Happy Holidays!
1. Tipsy Elves Sweaters
Anyone else obsessed with Shark Tank? ‘Cause that’s what my Friday nights consist of and I make no apologies for it. Tipsy Elves appeared on Shark Tank not too long ago and have had great success ever since, and for good reason. Their sweaters are amazing and so funny! You’ll find lots of discounts on their clothing, and they produce more than just Christmas sweaters so if you’ve got this holiday covered, keep them in mind for those fun holidays throughout the year.
(And, um, even if you are good this year with gifts, the holiday sweaters are on sale! Haaaalllloooo 2016 Christmas!)
Their Flirty Flamingo sweater I’m wearing has a description that reads “trailer park Christmas came early this year” and without getting in a tizzy, just know that Tipsy Elves is very tongue-in-cheek. But also, flamingos in yards around Christmas (and otherwise) is way common in Florida, outside any kind of home. Perfection.
(I love Photoshop.) (Note: The Flamingo sweater is a Tipsy Elves, the other is not.)
2. Savory Spice Shop Spice Club
If you’re all about cooking and experimenting with quality spices, man do I have a store to tell you about. Savory Spice is a shop in my local St. Petersburg, but there are also shops everywhere (probably close to you!) and they sell online as well.
Lemme tell ya – the spices at Savory Spice are worth every penny, and by default, so is this Spice Club. Spice Club sends you (or the recipient of your choice) freshly ground spices and handcrafted seasonings starting at $49.00 per month. You can get the details here and then get to gifting.
3. Kiwi Crate
I got some Koala and Kiwi crates for my close friends’ kids because this is something I would buy my child. They are basically boxes with items and activities, like crafts, to promote creative learning. Right up my alley for the kiddos because I believe in toys having some kind of purpose. They start at the Koala Crate for ages 3-4 and then move up to Kiwi Crate (5-8) and then both the Doodle Crate and Tinker Crates are for 9-16+ year olds.
4. Charming Charlie Handbags
In full disclosure, I wait for those 75% off Kate Spade sales because that’s what I live for. But, in between, I discovered the handbags at Charming Charlie, a store mostly known for having so much costume jewelry that actually looks really nice, you could spend all day long figuring out what to wear with those coveted items in your closet.
The most expensive handbag is a pave clutch for $65.00, but most purses are $39.00, making these items a steal. Plus, Charming Charlie frequently has discounts and offers.
5. Nate Berkus for Target
Yes, please! Someone buy me everything. I love the simple design, easy colors, and admittedly, Target has made it really easy to love everything on display because, well, they display it so nicely! Nate Berkus for Target is a dream come true for those of us who love gold accents and unique pieces that aren’t overwhelming. And yeah, the price is easy on the wallet.