You guys. This is the most exciting thing ever. My little sweet, rambunctious, happy boy is a full 365 days old. A year, as they say, goes by so fast. I almost forget the harder parts of life with a little bitty infant. I haven’t forgotten the birth though, that’s for sure. 😣
As I reflect back, I mostly remember the times Max fell asleep on my chest as I tried to burp him, how adorable it was when he started kicking and squealing and babbling. It’s been my life’s greatest pleasure to watch him grow and to look back at everything he’s accomplished so far in his first year of life. Overall, Max is so inquisitive, happy, independent, funny, somewhat cunning. Mike and I both feel so incredibly grateful and fortunate to be dealt this life of ours.
Every day Max does something, whether it’s a look, a sly smile, when he scrunches his face in the sun, his one-person dance parties, calling to Bits with his hand (it looks like he’s pretending to snap), and when he goes exploring – plus so much more – that just makes us laugh so hard. Shaking our head with big smiles on our faces – that’s the state you’ll find Mike and I in most often.
I realize that as much as I truly love being a career woman, my real life’s work is making this boy of mine happy. I thoroughly enjoy making his food, having him try new things (he’s such a great eater!), teaching him shapes and sounds and numbers and music, accepting those hugs and kisses, introducing him to the world as I know it. At nearly 24 pounds, it’s not easy to carry him around, but I was making chocolate chip cookies the other day and leaned him over the stand mixer so he could see it moving. I want to open his eyes to all that’s possible and wonderful.